Design an agnostic website device Digital Menu for Vivid Restaurant. A fancy restaurant wants to help the customer see and feel the menu and vibe of the restaurant. they can reserve a table or save their order.

The Problem :

The problem with the menu of the restaurant website is normally uploading it in PDF. First of all, PDFs are more difficult to crawl and index by search engines, Secondly, they make for a bad customer experience. 

The Goal:

Build a Restaurant Menu That customer Will Have a nice experience and Make it easy to order.

Role & Responsibilities :

UX & UI Designer

UX researcher 

Art Direction


77% of customers check a restaurant’s website before visiting, What they’re looking for there? The answer is an online menu.
Potential customers can discover online a website and menu there. This comes as a response to our increasingly digitised world. The more time we spend indoors, the less we’re likely to discover restaurants the old-fashioned way, by walking around town. Now, most people find restaurants online, Seeing restaurant menus online helps customers decide whether they want to eat there or not. At the same time, they want to feel the atmosphere of the restaurant before.


Pain points:

No visual: Customers want to see food photos and ingredients.

Memorising: Customers have difficulty memorizing their order.

Reservation: Customers need to see available time and options for their table.

Persona Problem statement:

Sonia fights against climate change , on a daily basis and also defends animal rights. She tries to raise awareness of the problem on a daily basis.

Information architecture :

My goal here was to make strategic information architecture decisions that would improve overall website navigation. The structure I chose was designed to make things simple and easy. On my own creative  way.


Usability study :

I conducted two rounds of usability studies. Findings from the first study helped guide the designs from wireframes to mockups. The second study used a high-fidelity prototype and revealed what aspects of the mockups needed refining.


  1. Users want Summary of their product co2
  2. They want to see more feedback
  3. Users want news and facts

Branding & components

The colours and branding of Vivid restaurant were defined depending on the luxury and secret atmosphere of this restaurant.
The colour of this restaurant was chosen to show the more attractive colour of the food and the mysterious atmosphere of the restaurant, in addition, purple and gold colours are a symbol of royalty and luxury along with creativity. The forms and colours of buttons were inspired by crystal and their shadows in the light.

Final product

Responsive layouts showing various screens of the Vivid website

Digital menu and the possibility of choosing food and desserts or vegetarian dishes

The reservation for a memorable experience

Beverage menu

Add the selected foods and drinks to the list and notify the waiter